
Showing posts from June, 2024

Amalantrah Working, part 4: Crowley names his “Magickal Child”

 This is where Aleister Crowley will reveal the name of his Magickal Child. (This is getting finished and edited - but revealed before the Summer Solstice)

Amalantrah Working, Part 3: The Woodstock Connection

     While on Oesopus Island in 1918, Aleister Crowley tried creating his “magickal child” - and The Woodstock Nation certainly seems spawned from Crowley’s beliefs and teachings. Of course, that “magickal child” could also be a specific person, and their identity will be revealed (from Crowley’s writings) in Part 4.     As I mentioned in Part 1 - decoding the Amalantrah Working , I discovered the Cthonius Cypher while skimming The Amalantrah Working and I found the line “Wizard says Woodstock adds to 84,” naming my hometown. Then, after decoding the Cthonius Cypher, I decide to investigate Crowley’s 1916 “magical retreat” at Lake Pasquaney, and found three more Woodstocks, in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine - all in a perfect line. Then I found a second  Woodstock in New York, about a dozen miles north of mine in a neighboring county, next to the town of Cairo  of all places.     So the next day I carefully read through The Amalantrah Wor...

Amalantrah Working, part 2: The Joseph Smith connection

As I wrote in Part One of decoding the Amalantrah Working , Aleister Crowley spoke favorably of Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, and several of Crowley’s “magical retreats” in America align with major spots in Joseph Smith’s life. 1) Crowley’s “Lake Pasquaney” retreat during the summer of 1916 was less than 50 miles from the obelisk marking Joseph Smith’s birthplace near Sharon, Vermont. It was dedicated on December 23, 1805, the hundredth anniversary of his birth. It stands northwest of Crowley’s cottage , close to the spot where the sun sets on the Summer Solstice. Given Crowley’s fascination with Egypt and Egyptian mythology, an obelisk nearby would have caught his attention. 2) Crowley’s “ Oesopus Island ” retreat during the summer of 1918 had Palmyra, New York and  Hill Cumorah  in the direction of the Summer Solstice setting sun, almost precisely. That is where Joseph Smith claimed to find the Golden Plates, and is next to the Sacred Grove where he claimed to...

decoding the Amalantrah Working - part one

This is the official announcement of discovering the coded cipher Aleister Crowley concealed in the Amalantrah Working , which explains his “Hermit of Oesopus Island” excursion of 1918, why he selected that specific location, revealing the identity of his “magickal child” invoked there with the assistance of Frater Achad - and explaining why nobody else ever noticed it. “The most important of all scales is that with the index 6, [the wizard Amalantrah’s] own number being 729… It consists of 0, 1, 64, 729, 4,069, 15,626, 46,656. The wizard says these numbers of perfection are much use in the Qabalah of the angels and Therion need not bother himself much about them.” -The Amalantrah Working, February 2, 1918 “ Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” -The Wizard of OZ “Did you know pi  = 3.1415 93 And oh! Lots more!” -Aleister Crowley in letter about Liber 31 to Frater Achad ”What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not, nor shalt thou ever. There cometh one to...