This is the official announcement of discovering the coded cipher Aleister Crowley concealed in the Amalantrah Working , which explains his “Hermit of Oesopus Island” excursion of 1918, why he selected that specific location, revealing the identity of his “magickal child” invoked there with the assistance of Frater Achad - and explaining why nobody else ever noticed it. “The most important of all scales is that with the index 6, [the wizard Amalantrah’s] own number being 729… It consists of 0, 1, 64, 729, 4,069, 15,626, 46,656. The wizard says these numbers of perfection are much use in the Qabalah of the angels and Therion need not bother himself much about them.” -The Amalantrah Working, February 2, 1918 “ Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” -The Wizard of OZ “Did you know pi = 3.1415 93 And oh! Lots more!” -Aleister Crowley in letter about Liber 31 to Frater Achad ”What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not, nor shalt thou ever. There cometh one to...